No Mason Bee House should be without it!
Made in the USA of All Natural Ingredients! Completely safe for the Mason Bees!
Stop application once the first bees arrive.
Mason Bee Attractant
Made in the USA of All Natural Ingredients!$12.50
If it is after May 1st your should consider ordering Leaf Cutter bee attractant.
Shipping ($6.99)
A minimum, 25% of the female mason bees (only females pollinate) that emerge from their nests, will disperse from the intended pollination site (nest site). Dispersal can be greater (over 50%) when pre emerged, live bees are used rather than being allowed to emerge in the nest. “Rocky Pond’s Mason Bee Attractant” encourages the bees to return to the nesting structure you have provided and to make a nest in the structure. With the Mason Bee attractant sprayed on the front of your nest, it should increase completed nesting tubes by double and a little more. If heavy rainfall during the first two weeks a second application may be necessary.
Add in early blooming wild Flowers so your early bees have something to eat, for a good start in life.
No Mason Bee House should be without it!
Made in the USA of All Natural Ingredients! Completely safe for the Mason Bees!
Stop application once the first bees arrive.
Keep out of reach of children.