Wildflowers to feed Mason Bees.

Wildflowers to feed Mason Bees

MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES are in Big Trouble, they are on the knife edge of “Extinction.” You can save them! All of us working together can save them—with…

Wildflowers And, America’s largest single crop. The part of which you own.

The real message here is MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES have lost their habitat, where they lived and where MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES once thrived is gone. 94% of America’s natural habitat has been turned into highways, parking lots, wheat fields, corn and soybean crops, forest lands, pastures, and golf courses.

We can use American’s Largest Single ‘Crop.’ Our Lawns! In The U.S. 180 million acres, 900 million homes, with a strip of wildflowers. Creating a MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES highway across every city, and state in America!

Bee-Kind wildflower mix has been specifically blended for MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES to bloom early and long, providing food for MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES and newly emerging bumblebee queens.  MASON BEES, LEAFCUTTER BEES AND BUTTERFLIES need help! If every home had even a small area of wildflowers in their flower beds.

Buy and plant early blooming wildflowers, your Mason Bees will tend them, and every pollinator will make use of them. And the wildflowers? Many of them will come back, every spring.

Spread on tilled moist soil and press into soil. Plant after danger of last frost.